A Bespoke Approach

What sets me apart is my personalised service. I do not believe in one size fits all.
I can take a project or element of your workload/ life entirely off your hands, or work as an integrated part of your team.

We start with an initial virtual meeting to get to know each other and clarify where you need support. Once established, we nail down the ‘hows’ and the ‘whens’. Everyone has individual requirements and your preferences matter.


Examples of Executive Support:

  • Travel research and booking

  • Creating itineraries & agendas

  • Event coordination & guest list management

  • Assistance with recruitment

  • ‘To-do' list management and execution

  • Diary Management

  • Minute taking

  • Document editing and creation

  • Social media management

  • Customer service & communications

  • Assistance with website content / design

  • Proof reading

  • Invoices & expenses

Examples of Personal Support:

  • Household bills and maintenance

  • Household private staff hire and management

  • Source and oversee private assets

  • Holiday/ travel research & booking

  • Parties & events

  • Booking appointments, tickets etc.

  • Restaurant / hospitality bookings

  • Gift/personal items/ homeware sourcing & purchasing


In a short time we will have developed patterns of communication and working together. Some tasks will naturally evolve and grow, and further items you are able to delegate will become apparent.

 Shall we see if we’re right for each other? Book an initial consultation call below: